After winning the Spanish Debating Competition in 2022 hosted by King’s College School, it was our turn to host one of the most exciting events for those who are keen debaters and with a flair for Spanish.
The evening started with a delicious Spanish inspired supper with paella and orange cake whilst guests were entertained by Zarah and Mr Bryers who captivated everyone’s attention with their exquisite magic tricks. Then, the first round of debates took place with 4 teams across 6 pools. The winners of the first round were Habs Boys, Sevenoaks, Eton Team A, Eton Team B, Tonbridge and Godolphin & Latymer. These teams debated once again the same motions from the round:
- La monarquía es innecesaria y debe desaparecer / Monarchy is unnecessary and should disappear
- Los aseos públicos deberían ser unisex para garantizar la inclusión / Public toilets should be unisex to guarantee social inclusion
- La inteligencia artificial trae más problemas que soluciones / Artificial intelligence brings more problems than solutions
The level of debate was extraordinary, the fair play exhibited by all teams impressed our guests and the linguistic skills were phenomenal throughout the evening. During break and while judges deliberated, our guests enjoyed churros con chocolate to fuel them ready for the next stages. Although all teams deserved to win, only Sevenoaks, Habs Boys, Eton and Tonbridge passed through to quarter finals.
This time round, they debated unseen motions which were randomly chosen by a student in the audience. The semi-finals commenced with Sevenoaks and Habs Boys debating We should lose hope in saving the planet / Deberíamos perder la Esperanza de salvar el planeta in the Buss. In Room B, Tonbridge and Eton debated The existence of zoos goes against animals’ rights / La existencia de zoologicos va en contra de los derechos de los animales.
The competition was fierce, and once again, the quality of debate was undeniable. However, Eton ended in 4th place and Habs Boys in 3rd. Whilst Habs Boys received their awards, a collection of books donated by the Spanish Embassy, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks prepared another unseen motion “Economies would not work if it weren’t for immigrants / Las economías no funcionarían si no fuera por los inmigrantes”. Both teams had had an incredible set of debates and they were definitely fighting for a well-deserved 1st place, which was secured by Tonbridge. Both teams were elegant in their debating, but Tonbridge’s persuasive demeanour and poise definitely stole the show.
We are incredibly proud of all teams and we congratulate the debaters for a wonderful display of linguistic and debating skills, but most importantly, for the grace of all teams even when defeated, the respect throughout the event, the positive and vibrant energy, the fervent enthusiasm and the well-documented arguments brought to the various tables.
The event would not have been such a success, were it not for the wonderful dedication of NLCS students and staff who ensured our guests felt at home. We, of course, must acknowledge the hours of preparation and dedication displayed by the competing students and their teachers.
Special thanks to María Rolland García from the Spanish embassy for not only donating the prizes for the 3rd and 2nd places, but for also assisting with the deliberating throughout the evening and adjudicating the final debate.
We congratulate all teams and, in particular, Tonbridge for their charismatic win. We cannot wait to attend their Debating Competition next year.