NLCS is a centre of excellence for the International Baccalaureate. We have offered the IB Diploma Programme as an alternative pathway to A Levels in the Sixth Form since 2004. With 20 years of consistent student success and deep expertise in teaching the Diploma Programme, we enjoy a privileged position as one of the highest-achieving IB World Schools anywhere across the globe and we place regularly in the top three IB schools in the country.
The IB is highly recognised by universities and employers for the breadth and interdisciplinarity of the curriculum and the critical thinking skills and greater global awareness that it encourages. The curriculum promotes an ambitious academic education that allows for specialisation while maintaining a valuable balance up to age 18 between Languages, Maths, Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. Students choose six subjects from a wide selection, opting for three to which they will dedicate more time at Higher Level and three as supporting subjects at Standard Level.
At the heart of the IB curriculum are three core components which ensure that students grow into independent, critical thinkers whilst balancing academic study with other pursuits and the development of responsible citizenship. Alongside their six subjects, every student:
• follows a course in Theory of Knowledge, which challenges them to reflect critically upon the nature and complexity of knowledge, transcending and unifying the six subjects whilst building appreciation of different intellectual and cultural perspectives
• submits an Extended Essay, an original in-depth study on a topic they choose, allowing them to investigate an area of interest and develop the skills of independent research and extended writing expected at university
• fulfils a Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) component, a refreshing and empowering element which all NLCS Sixth Formers achieve through our broad co-curricular programme with its emphasis on student leadership of societies, intellectual and artistic enrichment and service to others.
IB students from NLCS have gone on to great success at university in the UK, USA, Canada and Europe, studying a wide range of subjects such as Medicine, Law, Dentistry, Modern Languages, Neuroscience, History, PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), English, Chemistry and Economics. While the number of points required for university admission varies according to the institution and the course, a typical UK offer usually lies between 35 and 39 points. Offers for places at Oxford or Cambridge are typically between 38 and 42 points – well within the reach of a student achieving the School’s average score.
IB students are highly sought-after by leading universities, and the IB is an equally attractive and valuable pathway for those seeking to study in the UK or go overseas. Recent UK research shows that IB students are three times more likely than non-IB students to gain entrance to a top 20 university and are 38% more likely to progress to postgraduate study. The IB provides great preparation for overseas applications too: for example, another recent study revealed that IB students in the US are more likely than other groups to gain admission to more selective universities.
Isabella and Sophia celebrate their perfect IB scores of 45 points in 2024
IB Mythbuster
Common misunderstandings about the IB—busted!
Not true! IB students usually have 3 to 5 study periods per week, which is about the same as students taking 4 A-Levels. While A-Level students have 9 periods per subject (36 for 4 subjects), IB timetables balance 7 periods for Higher Level subjects, 4 for Standard Level, and 3 for Theory of Knowledge and Core. The result? Your timetable is just as balanced.
Nope! The IB balances depth and breadth by focusing on quality, not just quantity. Instead of cramming loads of content, it teaches you research and critical thinking skills that are super valuable for university. It’s not just about learning what to know, but learning how to learn—something universities love.
It’s not as bad as it sounds, and it actually prepares you for uni life. Universities expect you to do self-directed learning, like writing essays and researching, and the IB is perfect for practising that with lots of support from teachers. Plus, your coursework is planned out with a clear calendar, so as long as you stick to deadlines, it’s totally manageable.
Absolutely! UK universities love IB students because they come with amazing critical thinking, research, and independent learning skills. Plus, IB offers are very achievable—39 points (which is equivalent to an A*AA offer) is totally within reach. Many IB students here score over 40 points and go to their first-choice uni.
While the IB does keep your subject range wide, you can still focus on your interests. You can take two subjects from the same group and choose Higher Level subjects that match your goals. Plus, having a mix of subjects makes you a better problem-solver—it’s about connecting ideas, not working in silos.
IB Maths can be challenging, but so is A-Level Maths! The IB also gives you options:
- Analysis & Approaches (AA): Great if you’re into pure Maths or planning to study Engineering or Physics.
- Applications & Interpretation (AI): Perfect if you’re more interested in practical Maths, like stats and data analysis.
There’s a path for everyone.
That’s okay! Standard Level subjects mean you don’t spend as much time on them, and the IB is all about developing a wide range of skills. Also, IB subjects are often more interesting than their GCSE equivalents. For example:
- English Literature focuses more on world literature.
- History takes a global perspective.
- You can try new options like Global Politics, Economics, or Environmental Systems and Societies.
The IB team has your back! You’ll get a full deadlines calendar and lots of support to help you stay on track. Plus, CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) motivates you to get involved in clubs and activities. Many IB students become school leaders in extra-curriculars—it’s part of what makes IB so rewarding.