
For the academic year 2024/25, the fees for studying at North London Collegiate School are: 

  • £150 for UK applicants
  • £200 overseas applicants

  • Junior School – £7,465 per term
  • Senior School – £8,514 per term

  • £320 per block of 10 lessons

  • £2,769 return coach fare per year (billed termly)
  • £2,216 single coach fare per year (billed termly)

  • £1,166 per year for the Lower and Senior School (billed termly)
  • £989 per year for the First School.
  • Alternatively, students in the Senior School can bring a packed lunch.

No additional charge is made for textbooks, stationery or examination fees.

  • Termly, in full on the first day of each term
  • Monthly, in ten instalments

Annual charges (tuition fees, buses and lunches etc.) are collected in ten equal instalments on the first day of the month, from 1 August to 1 May.


Extras (such as payments for trips) are collected on 1 August for the Autumn Term, 1 January for the Spring Term and 1 May for the Summer Term (i.e. they are added to the existing instalment collections).

In both cases, the total collected is the same and there is no surcharge on the normal fee-bill.


An Acceptance Deposit of half of one term’s fees is required when a place is accepted. This is returned at the end of a pupil’s school career. A pro-rata deposit is required from holders of Bursary awards.


Bursaries accordion-plus

Since its foundation in 1850, North London Collegiate School has been committed to providing accessible, affordable education for students of ability. To attract able students and to help those who would otherwise be unable to attend a fee-paying school, we offer bursaries and music scholarships to students joining the Senior School.

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Handel Music Scholarships accordion-plus

A number of Music Scholarships are awarded at 11+ (for 5 years) and at 16+ on the basis of merit. Candidates must pass the entrance examination and a music audition conducted by the Music Department to qualify.

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