A distinctive feature of our Sixth Form is the volume of opportunities that students have to develop their leadership skills during their time with us. We are hugely proud of our Senior Societies extra-curricular programme, which the students themselves run. There are 50 societies, each offering the chance for pupils to explore their academic passions in more depth.
Interests range from Culture and Anthropology through to Pure Sciences, all of which host at least one external speaker term, produce a journal, and lead discussions or conferences. Senior Societies are also responsible for running subject weeks, leading key events, such as Black History Month or International Women’s Day, and leading Assemblies. All students in Year 12 and Year 13 are encouraged to apply for responsibility posts and take part in clubs and extra-curricular activities.
As part of their role in the Societies, students are responsible for leading the cultural and intellectual life of the School, from inviting speakers through to organising publications and journals, and, more recently. podcasts. Across an academic year, NLCS is visited by over 200 speakers, almost all of which are invited by students. Senior students are also key to the editing and publishing of over 40 journals a year on issues ranging from medical ethics, to philosophy and classics.
“I loved being involved in History Society – it was a great opportunity to have some freedom about what we wanted to learn. We decided to learn more about the History of China, so we invited Professor Michael Wood to speak about his latest documentary.” – NLCS student
North London has a strong sense of purpose in giving back to the community, and we are proud of the opportunities that our Community Service Programme allows. Every student in the Senior School is also involved with charitable work. Our Founder’s Day prayer, “Thou dost require much from those to whom much is given”, is part of the NLCS ethos and teaches pupils to give back to society. Numerous projects include regular visits to a local care home for the elderly and a school for disabled children, as well as many enjoyable fundraising events.
Trips and visits
Sixth Form students can take advantage of trips relating to many areas of school life. There are fascinating subject-based trips, such as the English department’s visit to Dublin, alongside day trips to exhibitions, lectures, plays and concerts. Sports teams travel far afield, and plays are often presented at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. There are over 15 residential trips on offer in the Sixth Form alone, with students having the opportunity to travel to Singapore, Canada and many European destinations. Trips to London theatres, galleries and other cultural attractions are a regular feature of the Sixth Form calendar.
Extra-curricular Clubs
Throughout the Sixth Form, students can take part in a wide variety of extracurricular activities. These include our Community Outreach Programme, where students can undertake a First Aid or Sign Language course or participate in our Art and Design programme.
Students can write and edit a weekly newspaper or can participate in a Theatre Tech course which includes working with the Drama Department on backstage projects and supporting their major productions.
Sixth Formers can also participate in physical activities from various options, including dance, keep fit, lacrosse, netball, badminton, swimming, athletics, tennis and workouts in the Fitness Suite. Our facilities include lacrosse pitches, AstroTurf tennis courts, a sports hall, a fully equipped gym and an indoor swimming pool.