Join our new community of giving and make a lasting impact!
Named after the School’s founding year, The 1850 Club is a way for us to recognise and thank our supporters who make a recurring gift to NLCS. Designed to be accessible to all and make donating a positive experience, The 1850 Club enables the School to make long-term commitments to its most pressing funding priorities, whilst providing a sociable platform to thank regular supporters.
Simply pledge a regular donation of your choosing through Direct Debit.
You decide where to direct your gift, be it supporting bursary students, capital projects or a specific area of interest. Regular gifts can be made on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis using our online donation form – please click the ‘Donate’ button and select the ‘Recurring donation’ button. Alternatively, please download and complete the Regular Gift form.
For our supporters living in the US, please set up a recurring donation via the British Schools & Universities Foundation (BSUF). This organisation has been determined by the United States Internal Revenue Service to be a tax-exempt public charity with 501(c)(3) status. Regular gifts can be made on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis using the online donation form – please click the ‘Donate’ button below.
It is important to us to recognise your support and show our appreciation for your generosity, so all members of The 1850 Club are listed in our Annual Donor Report and invited to special events hosted by the Headmistress and Governors.
It is our hope these donations will ensure we continue to meet the challenge of nurturing deserving students and creating an environment fit for the learners and leaders of tomorrow.