As well as the wide variety of learning experiences at school, the girls from Reception to Year 6 have the opportunity to visit a variety of interesting places, such as the Houses of Parliament, The Royal Opera House and the British Museum. Also, there are visits to the National Gallery with talks led by art historians, trips to Hampton Court to enjoy life as Tudor cooks and an outing to Verulamium to handle Roman objects and see the ruins.
Once in Year 4, students have the opportunity to take part in residential visits. These include an overnight camping trip where pupils sleep in tents, cook their meals over the fires which they learn to build and enjoy team building adventures. In Year 6 pupils spend a week in rural France where they learn to juggle, conquer treetop walks, shop in the local market and cook regional delicacies – while practising and developing their confidence in the French language.
In addition to external visits, we regularly welcome authors, musicians and theatre groups to School. The Young Shakespeare Company bring their talent and expertise, introducing students to the language and drama of some of Shakespeare’s plays.
Groups of students attend events at other schools, such as maths challenge competitions, choir festivals, chess matches and debates and we are always happy to extend a warm welcome to groups from other schools who regularly attend our writers’ workshops given by authors and poets and other partnership activities.
After School Clubs are held each weekday from 3.25 to 4.00pm for girls in Years 3 to 6. We also offer a selection of extended clubs from 4.15 to 5.15pm such as fencing and golf for the older students. Pupils choose their clubs each term so they can try a whole range of exciting activities during their time in the Lower School.
In the Lower School, we offer more than 40 different clubs which include a healthy mixture of sports such as netball, lacrosse, fencing, gymnastics, dance and swimming. In addition, there are clubs with a Drama focus, Theatre Design and Music Technology, as well as Story Weavers, Brilliant Books, Debating, Passport Club and Lego-robotics.
More details of the clubs on offer
Life in the Junior School is filled with opportunities to learn beyond the classroom. There is, quite literally, never a dull moment.