
Welcome from the Head of Junior School

As your daughter embarks on her educational journey at NLCS, we will support her in developing a love of learning, and questioning mind. Our ambitious and exciting curriculum, supported by our strong pastoral system, will encourage her to develop her own unique talents and interests.

The Junior School is housed in its own purpose-built building within the magnificent grounds of Canons where your daughter will benefit from the wonderful facilities, including the swimming pool, performing arts centre and music school. Passion for learning starts on day one of your daughter’s time here, where on any given day you will see pupils running into school with a smile and infectious enthusiasm for the day ahead. Curiosity and questioning is positively encouraged by all and the girls themselves identify ways in which they can support their local community and the world around them.

“Passion for learning starts on day one of your daughter’s time here.”

Here at NLCS we aim to ensure that we unleash the potential in every girl through our academic programme, within a scholarly, inspirational, and nurturing environment. Through the delivery of a challenging, individualised, and exciting curriculum, we ensure the girls are encouraged to question and to take risks in their learning. We foster the girls’ talents and interests both inside and outside of the classroom through our curriculum and extra-curricular provision, thereby supporting them in achieving their own goals and in becoming ‘their best self’.

We encourage our girls to believe that anything is possible and that she can make a difference to the world. As our girls move onto the next stage of their educational journey, they do so with confidence, academic success, an enquiring mind, and a deep understanding of who they are.

The best way to fully understand the NLCS experience is to come and visit us; we very much look forward to welcoming you and sharing with you our vibrant school.

Mr Richard Queripel
Head of Junior School