Year 9 Synagogue Trip

3 March 2022

Y9 Synagogue Trip

This week, the Religious Studies and Philosophy department ran the annual year 9 trip to the Edgware United synagogue, and it once again proved to be a successful and thought-provoking event.

Rabbi Lister introduced the day’s activities in his typically welcoming and engaging style. The students then undertook workshops introducing them to the subject of the Holocaust and in particular to the nature and impact of the Nuremberg Laws and the responsibilities of bystanders to step from the sidelines and to offer help to those in need – a lesson that the students readily related to current political events in Europe.

We then met with Tracy Moses, the daughter of Holocaust survivor Harry Spiro. Tracy eloquently and passionately shared her compelling testimony of the events witnessed and lived through by her father, and the students had the opportunity to ask her questions – a powerful and illuminating experience. In addition, Rabbi Lister also gave the students a tour of the synagogue chamber itself, in order to better understand some of the central aspects of Jewish worship.


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