World Book Day 2022

4 March 2022

World Book Day Insta

World Book Day happens every day in the library, but this week has given us the opportunity to focus on a few more exciting events!

We have hosted a Book Character Photo Booth where pupils could imaginatively dress up as their favourite characters from fiction. We have seen Hagrid, Hercule Poirot, Harry Potter, and lots of others that don’t begin with H!

Our wonderful library monitors launched the first edition of their newsletter, Imagination Haven, completely written and produced by them as a team.

In form time, the whole school had the opportunity to discuss our list of seminal titles to read before becoming an adult. Discussions ensued regarding our choices, with suggestions for what should be removed, and what really had to be added! Everyone also had the opportunity to enter our six word story competition, and we have been inundated with entries from staff and pupils. Winners will receive a specially designed NLCS book token. Some of our favourites so far include:

‘So…what am I?’ ‘A hybrid’.
‘The mirror changed into a door’.
‘I am an elephant in disguise’.
‘Eleven unknown women attended Dad’s funeral’.

The fun doesn’t end this week, as our popular Mad Hatters group will be hosting a literary ‘HatWalk’ – they have been busy in the library all week creating their hats, and we look forward to sharing those with you after their fashion parade.

Reading is central to an NLCS education, whether it is for academic purposes, reading for pleasure, or as a route to wellbeing, and we are fortunate in having the library right at heart of the school, both in a physical and metaphorical sense.
