Public Speaking Society, Human Rights Society, Politics Society and Animal Welfare Society led this week’s Senior Societies with a variety of talks on a range of different topics.
Public Speaking Society led a practical session using a webinar from Janine Elton entitled ‘The Art of Speaking Up’. During the session they focused on managing the verbal, visual and vocal elements of communication, conducting yourself confidently in meetings and communicating professionally and concisely.
Human Rights Society enjoyed an online talk from Dr Meghan Campbell a reader in International Human Rights Law at the University of Birmingham. Dr Campbell’s research explores how the international human rights system can best respond to gender inequality and poverty. During her talk, Dr Campbell spoke about the current attacks on human rights, particularly in the context of the Human Rights Act and what value human rights bring to UK Society.
Politics Society enjoyed an online discussion from Danny Dorling and Sally Tomlinson who have co-authored a new book called, ‘Rule Britannia: Brexit and the End of Empire’. Dorling and Tomlinson argue that while Brexit will almost certainly require the UK to confront its own “shocking, Dorian Gray-like deteriorated image”, “out of the ashes of Brexit could, should and perhaps will come a chastened, less small-minded, less greedy future.”
Finally, Animal Welfare Society enjoyed a talk from our very own Mr Dave. During the talk, Mr Dave spoke about why he went vegan considering animal welfare, environmental and human costs. It was a very engaging talk, providing insight into the importance of veganism and how we can all incorporate it into our lives.