On 1st December the PAC was filled with melodies from a variety of styles of music as the girls entertained with instruments and voices in the Lower School Summer Concert ‘Our Planet’.
The standard of performance was exceptionally high and professional. From Flute Group ‘ Under the Sea’ to Single Reed Ensemble ‘ Jungle Book Bare Necessities’; from ‘The Spirit’ by the Percussion to ‘Earth’ by the Junior School Orchestra.
The upbeat ‘Bee-Bop’ and ‘Aliens’ with masks were a feature of the Y3&4 and Y5&6 Choirs. The melodic ‘The Seal Lullaby’ was a great success, and the Canons Choir performed with real precision and meaning. The fabulous finale started with the beautiful soloists ‘What a Wonderful World’, followed by ‘Save Our Planet’ with Greta Thunberg’s strong message. which was very well choreographed and harmonised. The whole concert demonstrated the joy of music making and the powerful message of climate change from NLCS Junior School!