Lady Eleanor Holles MUN

31 January 2023


It was an absolute delight to attend LEHMUN, which took place the weekend of 27th to 29th January.

The conference started with a fantastic and inspirational speech from Seema Malhotra, a Labour MP who stands out for inclusion, progress, and opportunities for women and the environment. Not only she inspired all delegates to get involved in politics, she passionately told her personal story and encouraged all to get involved in debating and to fight for one’s beliefs.

The evening proceeded into lobbying within the various committees (Human Rights, Political, Economic & Social, Special Committee and, finally, Security Council) where a myriad of questions were debated, ranging from the feasibility to AI labour forces, rising overpopulation, pressing security matters, international migration to Human Trafficking.

On Saturday, within each committee, delegates had the chance to present their resolutions, debate other countries’ resolutions and even make allies. The debates proved to be exciting, fruitful and fiery at times. Despite being their first participation in MUN, Amber (France, Human Rights Committee), Arushi (Turkey, Economic and Social Committee), Harshita (France, Security Council), Anoushka (Turkey, Human Rights) and Mehar (Ukraine, Human Rights) got their resolutions passed.

Sunday brought the much-anticipated General Assembly, where all delegations had the chance to debate two resolutions and we saw our delegations ask probing questions from start to finish.

There was even time for Crisis so that delegations came together to put forward solutions for the rising sea levels and the help provided to save those countries and populations at risk.

All in all, the delegates who attended had a phenomenal time and came back with three fabulous awards: Highly Commended delegate for France in Human Rights, Special mention for Turkey in Economic and Social, as well as Special Mention for France in Special Committee. Not to mention that they are thirsty for more conferences, and, on that note, we cannot wait to attend the usual HabsMUN and, for the first time, CWMUN in New York!


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