IB results are testament to academic excellence at NLCS

6 July 2022

IB Results 2022

Today the results of the International Baccalaureate diploma were released, and we are delighted to announce that North London Collegiate students achieved an average score of 40.4 out of a possible 45. This is an outstanding achievement, especially in light of the disruption of the last two years, and one that underscores North London Collegiate’s status as one of the leading IB schools in the world.

This year, a large proportion of the Sixth Form chose to study the IB diploma – almost a third of the year group, demonstrating the appeal of retaining a breadth of study right up to the end of school, and the attraction of the additional elements of the diploma such as CAS (creativity, activity, service) as well as the Theory of Knowledge course.

Across all students taking the IB globally, there are typically only a very small number of students (less than 1%) who achieve a ‘perfect’ score of 45 points. This year 6% of our students achieved this result and a further 12% scored 44 points – a truly impressive achievement.

The growing popularity of the IB is reflected in the fact that many leading UK universities prize this qualification as one that enables students to develop a specialist subject insight within a broad curriculum, whilst also providing a style of teaching and learning that is more akin to undergraduate study, including the Theory of Knowledge topic that delves into how we know things. This is in addition to elite US universities, including Ivy League establishments, that have long appreciated the value of this qualification.

I firmly believe that I made the best choice when deciding to study the IB as it has provided me with both practical and critical thinking skills, has given me an intellectual grounding in six different disciplines, and has enabled me to further my love of learning. The rigor of the IB has shaped my way of thinking which will stand me in good stead for the further education that I plan to pursue. The skills that I have acquired from taking the IB and the interdisciplinary knowledge that I have gained will certainly shape me into the well-rounded physician that I aspire to be. I will now be studying Medicine at Brown University in the US.

Fope, Year 13 IB Student.

This is evident in the offers that our IB students have received for university places for September. Our students have received 28 offers to study at a wide range of North American universities, including Yale, Duke, UCLA, University of Pennsylvania and Brown, whilst a further six students have had offers to study at Oxford or Cambridge, alongside offers from establishments including Edinburgh, Bristol, Durham and UCL, to name a few. The range of subjects chosen for study is also impressively wide, covering PPE (Politics, Philosophy & Economics), Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Modern Languages, History, Social Sciences and Criminology, as well as Law, Medicine and Liberal Arts.

Dr Henry Linscott, Director of IB at NLCS said “It has been a welcome return to ‘normality’, sitting exams in person. I’m really pleased with the results overall, the students have set themselves an excellent bar with the effort and stoicism they have shown during the exam season and it’s great to be able to have an in-person results day again, so that we can celebrate with the students who have done so well.”

We are enormously proud of our IB students and wish them every success with the next stage of their academic careers.


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