18 March 2022


Over the weekend, 22 NLCS students travelled to Haberdashers’ boys’ school to attend the annual HABSMUN conference, the first in-person conference since 2019.

At Model United Nations conferences, students are delegates of a country and participate in different committees that deal with different sets of issues. The NLCS team had spent many weeks writing their resolutions: policy proposals submitted ahead of the conference conveying their country’s plan to tackle a particular global issue, such as ‘the question of child trafficking’, researching the debate topics and their country’s stance. NLCS students represented the delegations of France, Norway, Nigeria and Venezuela.

On Friday and Saturday, students engaged in heated debate on the merits of their resolutions in separate committees, before choosing the best resolution to be presented in General Assembly on Sunday, where all the delegates gather together to hear the resolution chosen by each committee. A record 5 of the 9 resolutions presented in General Assembly were written by NLCS students and much of the lively GA debate was carried by students from North London.

We came away from the weekend with the distinguished (2nd place) team delegation award, three highly commended individual delegate awards, two distinguished individual delegate awards and two best individual delegate awards. All the students enjoyed the experience immensely and relished the opportunity to improve their debating skills and knowledge of these important global issues. This was the last MUN conference for the current Year 13s and it was certainly an excellent note to end a successful four year school MUN career on. The MUN scene at North London is going from strength to strength and we look forward to many more conferences in the future.

Many thanks to Ms Santos, Ms Aubic, Mr Majithia, Ms Marche and Dr Silverman for their support.

​Additionally, we have also compiled a list of the awards won:

​Distinguished delegation for Norway: Jaya, Kate, Keira, Amber, Ishani, Charlotte.

Highly commended delegate for Venezuela in Health: Hannah

Highly commended delegate for Norway in DISEC: Kate

Highly commended delegate for Nigeria in SOCHUM 1:

Distinguished delegate for Venezuela in SPECCOM: Caroline

Distinguished delegate for Nigeria in SPECPOL 1: Mia

Best delegate for Norway in SOCHUM 2: Amber

Best delegate for Nigeria in SPECCOM: Anoushka

by Alex and Aria
