Canons Follies 2022 – The Greatest Show

11 February 2022

CF Insta 4

A highlight in the NLCS calendar, the annual Canons Follies performance returned to the main hall on Tuesday night for an evening of comedy, songs, dances and much more.

This year’s Canons Follies entitled ‘The Greatest Show’ featured humorous adaptations of popular songs from musicals such as Matilda, Sound of Music and of course The Greatest Showman. Each department was featured in skits by the Year 13 students these included the Sports Department recruiting for a new member of staff, the Drama Department trying (and failing!) to pick the next production and an inside look into a Geography Department meeting.

We also got to enjoy the talents of our Year 13 students including the NLCS Rock Band, Tamil Dances and Bollywood Dances and wonderful performances from our A Cappella society and a short revival of the 2019 Senior Musical Sister Act.

Congratulations to all of Year 13 for a fantastic evening with a special thanks to the Big Six for all their hard work in organising and putting the event together.

Flickr album: Canons Follies 2022 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin
