Biology field trip to Suffolk

17 June 2022

Biology Flatford Mill

Last weekend, the Year 12 Biology students went to Flatford Mill to enrich and build on their ecology knowledge by immersing themselves in various opportunities to practice fieldwork, collect data and carry out statistical tests under the supervision of expert tutors.

Upon arrival, they immediately got to work, learning how to analyse and evaluate their investigations. The second day consisted of a trip to the salt marsh to practice their newfound skills (for example, comparing the use of random and systematic sampling) as they collected data on the distribution and abundance of species. They assessed and measured the light intensity and wind speed after realising the importance of considering abiotic factors that may impact their investigation. Upon returning to the classroom, everyone’s data was collated and analysed so they could apply their previous knowledge to understand the trends and determine whether their hypothesis was accurate. The evenings were spent exploring and enjoying the local countryside before competing in a friendly game of football (with students against teachers!). The third day allowed students to combine the skills learnt throughout the course to design and carry out their own investigation. Not only did this Biology field trip allow students to build on and apply their classroom knowledge, but it was also a chance to decompress post Year 12 exams and enjoy the unique scenery and activities.

Mr Reeve, Head of Science & Biology
